What About A Home Located In A Flood Plain?

A flood plain is an area of land adjacent to a stream or river that experiences flooding during periods of high discharge. Watch this video and it’ll make sense. If you live in a flood plain lenders will require that you have flood insurance before lending any...

What Should I Look Out For During The Final Walk-Through?

Well, as this story shows, this will likely be the first opportunity to examine the house without furniture giving you a clear view of everything. Check the walls and ceilings carefully as well as any work the seller agreed to do in response to the inspection. Any...

What Is Earnest Money, And How Much Should I Set Aside?

Like the video shows, “earnest money” is money you put down to demonstrate your seriousness about buying a home. It must be substantial enough to demonstrate good faith and is usually between 1-5% of the purchase price though the amount can vary with local...